MY MINDSET to live a life of fulfillment


live a life of fulfillment

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The text discusses the idea that people's thoughts and words can shape their lives and that many people have a mentality that holds them back. The writer mentions that it can be difficult to change this mentality and that it often takes a major life event to realize the problem. They also mention a conversation with Brazilian influencers who discussed a "victim mentality" in Brazil and the writer's own mental tips for changing one's beliefs. The text is written in a rambling and disjointed manner. Some corrections could be made to grammar and sentence structure to make it more clear.

The text discusses the writer's personal mental tips for achieving better results and performance in life. The first tip is about viewing health as a lifestyle rather than a diet or temporary change. The writer describes how they used to eat a lot of unhealthy food as a child and how they didn't realize the impact it was having on their health until later in life. They mention how they changed their mentality and now view health as a lifestyle that can either harm or help them achieve the life they want. The text is written in a rambling and disjointed manner with grammar and punctuation errors.

The text is discussing the importance of viewing health as a lifestyle, rather than something that can be temporarily changed. The writer describes how they used to eat a lot of unhealthy food and didn't realize the impact it was having on their health until later in life. They mention how they changed their mindset and now view health as something that can either harm or help them achieve their goals and dreams. The writer also mentions the importance of creating a structure to support healthy habits, and how this can lead to increased confidence and belief in oneself. The second mental tip mentioned is having a sense of purpose and passion in the decisions made in life, this habit was learned from the writer's father.

The text is discussing the importance of living with purpose and not limiting oneself by age. The writer mentions how they don't focus on their age and instead focus on living their life with purpose. They mention that it is important to reflect on one's last moment and ask oneself if they have done everything they wanted to do and if they can answer that question positively, then they have lived a meaningful and rewarding life. The text also mentions the mentality of insecurity and being a victim, which can hold people back from achieving their goals. The writer mentions a conversation with two Brazilian influencers who discussed this mentality in Brazil and how it is different from the mentality in the US. The third mental tip is to develop self-esteem and an abundance mentality, as this can attract the things we want in our lives.


It's important to remember that building genuine relationships with people takes time and effort. It's not about trying to win something, but rather about building trust and understanding. When you have strong, authentic relationships with people, you are more likely to achieve your goals and be successful in the long run. This is because people are more willing to help and support you when they know and trust you. So, instead of constantly trying to connect with more people, focus on building deeper and more meaningful relationships with the people you already have in your life.

It can be difficult to overcome a scarcity mindset when it comes to money, especially if you grew up with limited financial resources. However, it is important to recognize that this mindset can limit your ability to achieve financial abundance and success. One way to change this mindset is to focus on building wealth and abundance, rather than just trying to make ends meet. This may involve learning more about personal finance, investing, and creating multiple streams of income. Additionally, it can be helpful to surround yourself with positive role models and people who have achieved financial success, as well as to practice gratitude for the money and resources you currently have. It's also important to remember that having wealth and abundance doesn't mean you have to give up your values or integrity, it's about finding balance and making choices that align with your values and purpose.

En resumen, hay seis puntos clave para mejorar nuestra mentalidad y alcanzar un alto rendimiento en nuestra vida. Estos son: tener una mentalidad de crecimiento en lugar de una mentalidad de fijación, vivir con un propósito y no centrarse en la edad, evitar la mentalidad de víctima y el auto-dudar, trabajar hacia nuestros sueños y no conformarnos con lo que nuestros padres o maestros quieren que hagamos, conectarnos con las personas desde el corazón en lugar de buscar ganar algo de ellas y finalmente, tener una mentalidad de inversión en lugar de gasto excesivo para lograr una vida más próspera y satisfactoria.

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