The School of the Mind

The School of the Mind

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In this blog, we focus on unraveling the mysteries of the mind and understanding why we are the way we are. We also strive to learn how to make our minds work for us instead of against us.

The author of this blog has spent more than ten years researching different sources in search of answers to his own mental problems, especially the chronic depression he has suffered from since childhood. He grew up in a single parent family after his parents separated when he was just two years old. Although his father was his friend and greatly enjoyed the weekends she spent with him, she suffered a great loss when his father died of illness at the age of fourteen.

Through his research, the author discovered that the answers to his problems lay within him, in his inner self. This blog is a platform for sharing those answers and helping others find their own. Through reflection, therapy, and the adoption of healthy habits, we hope to guide our readers on their own journey toward understanding and healing their minds.

 The mind is said to be indecipherable; In this blog we will try

 solve all its mysteries, why are you the way you are? and how

  make your mind work for us and not against us.

 I spent more than ten years, investigating from one source to another, until CABOOOM.

 What do you think? I solved many mysteries that in my midst

  problems that I could not see clearly.

 The most ironic thing is that the answers were inside me, in

   my inner self.

A little bit of my story

For a long time I lived with chronic depression, ever since I was a

 child, in a single-parent family, my parents

They broke up when I was just 2 years old. My father was my friend

I really enjoyed the weekends I spent with him, it was fun.

At the age of fourteen, an illness took my father, leaving a

resentful and bitter teenager who felt his life had gone with him.


It sounds like you've been through a lot of personal struggles and have spent a significant amount of time trying to understand and overcome them. The idea that the answers to our problems can be found within ourselves is a common theme in self-help and personal development. It's important to continue to seek help and support, whether it's through therapy, self-help books, or talking to loved ones. Additionally, learning coping mechanisms and developing healthy habits can also help the mind work for us instead of against us. It's commendable that you've spent so much time researching and trying to understand yourself, but it's important to remember that healing is a process and it's okay not to have all the answers right away.

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