Transforming your Mental State and Finding Balance.

Everything in our environment is in constant motion, and human beings are subject to many universal laws, one of which is the law of rhythm. This law acts as a vibratory system that "rises and falls", and by learning to manage it, it is possible to find balance in mind and body, which leads to a higher quality of life.

Charles Ferreira, researcher at Dakila Pesquisas, explains that the principle of the law of rhythm interacts with the frequency of the mind and that altered states of consciousness are the main causes of many problems.

"The frequency is constantly changing. If a person feels emotionally happy and full of good energy, they will have a good day. But if someone wakes up with pain or a bad feeling, their altered state of consciousness will be different. To change this state "It is necessary to understand it well and be more attentive to the situations around us."

An altered state of consciousness implies a change in the functioning of the mind. "If you understand this, you can enter the law of rhythm whenever you want. You begin to command your frequency and your current energetic state, so as not to be carried away by the tide of daily rhythm, since there are many vibrations that operate in our daily life , such as the frequency of the cell phone, television, sound, unrealized thoughts and emotional oscillations, among others. From the moment you understand the altered state of consciousness, you understand what the frequency of the law of rhythm is," he explains. Charles.

Every human being is capable of achieving their own healing, but often what prevents them from reaching their full potential is a limiting mental system that cannot maintain a positive pace. To enter and maintain an altered state of consciousness at a certain frequency, explains Charles Ferreira, simply close your eyes and think.

"You can put your vibrational frequency in any key you want. Now, how long will you hold that thought? From the moment you close your eyes and think about something, you create the rhythmic frequency of it. This will change your hormones and, as you If you go deeper into your thinking, it will take over you and create an electromagnetic energy around you that will attract what you are thinking about. Depending on how you think and create the chemical reaction in your body, the effect can occur very quickly," he says. investigator.

"If I think about something that is bothering me, such as debt, stress or a fight, I will vibrate my frequency on that reaction. My body will automatically switch from one reaction to another and influence what is around us. This vibration works quickly and the more I talk or think about it, the longer my energy will remain in this rhythm. Thought generates emotional reactions, emotions generate physical actions that can affect the body, causing fatigue, pain and feelings of discomfort," adds Charles.

The frequency you are at will vibrate: if it is very positive, it will place you at a high level; If it is too negative, it can sink you. It takes focus, determination and concentration to be able to change the frequency of vibration and maintain balance.