David Ramsey. Share your Story


David Ramsey. Share your Story.

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David Ramsey.

38 years ago my wife and I got married, we were fools we did nothing of
premarital counseling However, I was a small-town guy who knew
raised in hell and drinking beer but he was a good salesman and she loved him.

She convinced me and around the time I started buying and selling real estate
I left the other one and grew in the business. real estate my mother and father were
in the real estate business so I thought I was going to resell this house and
that's before there was cable tv to tell you how
I started buying houses and reselling them and got rich from nothing when
I was 26 years old, I had like 4 million dollars in real estate, a little more than
net worth of a million dollars and earned like 250 thousand dollars
of the taxable income per year which is 20 thousand dollars.


I don't know what neighborhood you grew up in but the one where I grew up we called it rich too
It was fun that car that you always wanted if you ever had money
you want that car mine was a jaguar i wanted to have a jaguar because no one in
My old neighborhood could erase Jaguar was exotic, you know, so I bought myself
a jaguar uncle caronte and I had never traveled much we went to Florida in
our honeymoon and that was it we started to have some money and
We said okay what do rich people do and we found out they were going to Hawaii so
we went to hawaii the water is so blue we liked it so much we came back home
we planned another trip and two months later we came back again
It was very funny sometimes I listened to this people say that all those rich people are
unfortunate I'm not here to tell you that money will make you happy because money
you will not make yourself happy money will make you more than you already are if you are unhappy and you get money it will be amazing
unhappy if you are depressed and have money your depression will darken if you are a jerk and money comes out
tYou'll turn into a big jerk if you're sweet and generous and get money
you become what we call a philanthropist and change entire communities
entire sections of people you become more than you already are
when you have money do not fix your marriage if you have a bad marriage
It's going to make it worse So we're doing great everything's going pretty good and I just did something stupid nothing illegal I didn't cheat anyone I didn't lie I didn't commit fraud I didn't do any of that
but i was just stupid how many of have you ever made one?
nonsense with money how many of you have not raised your hand I have a problem with lying

We asked for too much money and we were doing paperwork and we didn't
we are late not in a single payment but in all rejecting because under the paper
I signed had the rights to do whatever they wanted I was the idiot who built the role that allowed it to happen without ever dreaming that someone

That was our second largest lender yet, you heard he used
problems and asked for another 800,000 so two million defeated us
dollars almost immediately and everything was tied up in real estate
they spent the next two and a half years of our lives losing everything
we were a year old I earned 250 thousand dollars the following year my taxable income
It was 6000 dollars I spent the whole year selling things to try to pay my
bills because they told me they are supposed to
that you have to pay your bills and you say you will two and a half years later
we were in the well of our marriage offended by a thread because the cause
Number one divorce in North America today is fighting and
money problems we didn't get divorced Sharon said she would have left me but no
she had a car with a newborn baby and a small child and our marriage
barely holding on and my hopes and dreams crushed that we were
broke I remember being in the shower so hot I could barely
get up and stand there with the downpour on your face and i cried because i was so scared it took a while instant things don't heal it really takes a little time so
we did not recover instantly and so we began to manage the money of this
way we started doing these five things i'm going to teach you today if you do
these five things 100% of the time They work because they are from God, I don't
I made myself up, I stole them all from the Bible and from your grandmother it's only called common sense
I sold them better than anyone in the history of America has ever sold. That's all.
number 1 Get a quote Jesus said he should not build a tower without counting
first The costs so you don't get to half and you can't finish and all
those who see you begin to mock you and say that this man began to
build and couldn't finish my friend john maxwell says a budget is
the people who tell their money what to do instead of wondering
where my friends from israel go they used to go if you aim for nothing it will always give you results
that winning at something is an intentional act, no one wins accidentally
never interviewed a player Football after the super bowl and dice how did you do it? I eat?

You just won the Super Bowl, I don't know. I just got off the bus and I just
has happened winning is an intentional act if you don't have a great marriage you're going to
work on it and if you don't have brilliant kids you're going to work on them you should

How have your children turned out too?

his mother's upbringing his father's fear he used a plan all the boys in the
group of young people are afraid of you awesome keep away the
cowards and morons we don't want those like sons-in-law or daughters-in-law you don't win with money accidentally you won't win the lottery you won't Random lightning is a series of poses.
a little corn and the corn grew wow What you sow you reap I don't sow
nothing nothing grows the same rain comes the same sun shines but nothing grows
the second is to get out of debt the borrower is a slave to the lender
100% of the mentions of the debt in the deeds are negative

There is no there is no good debt in facts when you read 100% of the messages you are a curse you are a fool you are a slave 100% of the messages in the
Scriptures Biblically speaking, debt is stupid and then what happens
is we go to school and we get a little student loan and then
we have a mastercard is a slave borrower of the lender So
that we should get a Master's degree and then go buy a car that we can't
pay we know we can't pay it because we have payments for it and then
we are going to buy a house that we cannot
pay up and look up at 7 years of our brand new marriage trying to live the same standard of living our parents led Just that

It took them 35 years to get there and we're moving fast with debt on something we can't afford we can't breathe and we're stressed all the time
money goes in all the money goes out and now all we do is think about how
We are going to get to Friday, we earn 85 thousand dollars a year and we have no money to
eating this is normal in America nowadays people come to our office
they come like this all the time they are like a friend can you help me if you

We are going to help but what is going to hurt means that we are going to have to amputate
the Tagus you will have to do things where you stop worrying about what
Others think that you are going to have to go spend money that you do not have, buy things that cannot be paid for.

when money doesn't have to impress people who don't even really like me. So we made the decision we're not going to borrow any more money it's a mindset totally
different. So a guy called me from the average car payment in the United States.
By the way, now it is 529 dollars in 84 months according to the association
national car dealers
if you take 529 dollars I had

Used for a Chevy truck and you know its value is going down like a stone. If you take $529 from 30 to 65 years and put it in a decent growth stock mutual fund, you'll have around $5.6 million instead of having a car. I hope you like your car, that's what it's costing you. I'm not saying I don't have a nice car. I'm just saying that maybe you shouldn't have such a nice car. We might have to think differently about this. My name is Jeff, you're going to kill me. I'm not going to kill you, I'm in Tennessee and you're in Texas. How much is the payment on your truck? $729. Buddy, seriously, it's not funny, is it? I said how much is the payment on your house? He said, we live in a double-wide, $550. 

Buddy, if your truck payments are bigger than your house payments, you might be a farmer. The next one is interesting. Foster high-quality relationships. You know who you become when you surround yourself. Don't be deceived by bad company. It corrupts good habits. 

If you hang out with people who are going nowhere, you'll be stuck. I hope we can choose someone to help fix my life. Spiritual animals, if you hang out with these people, guess what you'll do. When they say take it easy, they mean take it easy. I mean, hunting dogs and porch sunsets.

 You can't motivate these people. When you hang out with ambitionless people, you get trapped. Let's get up, let's leave the cave, let's kill something, drag it home, the game is on. Man, we have things to do, we have people to see. You'll read the same books as your closest friends, you'll see the same movies, you'll watch the same Netflix series, you'll talk like they talk, you'll pray like they pray, you'll be generous like they are generous. But if you're with people who aren't, you won't. I'm not talking about being rude to other people.

 I'm nice to anyone, religion, whatever. Even if you're from New York, I mean, I'll be nice to you. OK, I love you, you're sweet, let's be friends. I have all these friends who are very different from me, but I still love them and I'm nice to anyone. But I'm talking about who is my closest team, the six guys who carry my coffin. 

Who are those guys? Because those guys are shaping me and I have to be very careful because eagles don't flock. You have to get them one at a time. That's how you get them. If you see an eagle alone, that's what you want. You want him by himself.

 If you see him with a bunch of other eagles, that's a group. That's a group. You don't want to mess with that group because they're strong. They're strong. 
So, I have to be very careful with who I'm surrounding myself with because I become like those guys. I become like those guys. If I'm with guys who are always griping and complaining, guess what I'm going to do. I'm going to gripe and complain. 

If I'm with guys who are always talking about how much money they're making, guess what I'm going to do. I'm going to talk about how much money I'm making. If I'm with guys who are always talking about their accomplishments, guess what I'm going to do. I'm going to talk about my accomplishments. If I'm with guys who are always talking about how they're getting ahead.


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