Cardio Cerebral Coherence Meditation

Cardio Cerebral Coherence Meditation

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He always understood that there is an intelligence that gives us life, an unseen force that keeps our organs functioning, our hearts beating, and our lungs breathing. This intelligence is within us, and it can also be perceived in nature. The synchronicity of birds, the beauty of the environment, the connection with rivers and mountains, all demonstrate the presence of this intelligence.

To heal, the first step is to surrender to this intelligence. We must let go of our own power and recognize that the conditions we find ourselves in are a result of our own thoughts, actions, and feelings. Now is the time to commit to this intelligence and to ourselves, to trust with all our hearts and souls that recovery is possible.

This intelligence will do the work for us, we simply need to be present and connect with it. We must commit to not allowing negative thoughts to take over, and instead focus on becoming aware of our conscious thoughts and emotions in our day-to-day lives. As we do this, our stress levels will drop noticeably. Additionally, we must work to eliminate old emotional addictions such as fear, frustration, helplessness, despair, anger, complaints, judgments, and any other emotions that bind us to our old selves.                                          

Instead, we must strive to cultivate new emotions such as gratitude for life and love. These are the emotions we must live in our day-to-day lives, regardless of the circumstances we find ourselves in. We must be bigger than our circumstances, and not allow them to harm us.

It may be difficult and uncomfortable to make these changes, but it is possible. We must remember that we are capable of achieving this transformation and it will bring us to a new level of self-awareness and inner peace.


How are we going to do this meditation?

This passage describes a technique of breathing and energy work to release blockages and emotions that may exist in the body. The technique involves focusing on the breath and utilizing specific intentions to align the body and connect with the electromagnetic field. The technique also involves creating cerebral and cardiac coherence by visualizing a state of deep darkness, allowing the brain waves to slow down and connecting with the creative center in the heart. The goal of this technique is to attract and manifest health and well-being by connecting with elevated emotions such as gratitude and joy, and sending a signal to the quantum field in the form of a thought. The technique emphasizes the importance of allowing the body to release blockages and emotions, and synchronizing with a higher frequency of health and divinity.

This meditation technique is designed to release blockages and emotions that may exist in the body, align the body, and connect with the electromagnetic field. The following is a step-by-step guide on how to perform this meditation:

Find a quiet and comfortable place to sit where you will not be disturbed. Sit in a comfortable position, either on a chair or on the floor with your legs crossed. Keep your back straight and let your shoulders relax.

Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths.

Begin to focus on your breath. Take slow, deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth.

As you breathe, imagine that you are releasing any blockages or emotions that may exist in your body. With each exhale, visualize these blockages and emotions leaving your body.

Once you feel that you have released as much as you can, bring your attention to your energy centers. Begin by blessing your root chakra at the base of your spine. As you breathe, imagine that you are filling this chakra with light and energy.

Continue to move up through your body, blessing each chakra as you go. Focus on your sacral chakra, solar plexus chakra, heart chakra, throat chakra, third eye chakra, and crown chakra.

Once you have finished blessing all of your chakras, imagine that you are entering a state of deep darkness. This is a state where there is only infinite space, and all matter has been removed from the universe.

In this state, allow your brain waves to slow down and create brain coherence. Visualize your brain connecting with the electromagnetic field.

Next, focus on your creative center, which is your heart. Fill it with elevated emotions such as gratitude and joy. Your heart is a magnet that will help you attract what you want from the source of the quantum field.

Send a signal to the field in the form of a thought. Choose a word or phrase that represents health, such as "S" for health.

Connect and synchronize with the frequency of health and happiness, and bring it into your heart. Imagine that you are connecting with a higher divine energy and allow yourself to feel the joy, gratitude and love that comes from it.

Continue to stay in this state for as long as you like, enjoying the elevated emotions and feeling of connection to the higher divine energy.

When you are ready to come out of the meditation, take a deep breath in and slowly open your eyes.

It is important to note that this is a guided meditation and it is recommended to practice it with an experienced guide or teacher, in order to be sure that you are doing it correctly and also to be able to get the most of it. Also, keep in mind that, like with any meditation practice, it may take some time and regular practice to achieve the desired results.

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