Neil deGrasse Tyson "We live in a simulation"

The theory that we live in a simulation proposed by Neil deGrasse Tyson and how this relates to unconscious programming and the law of attraction. The author suggests that by becoming aware of the unconscious programming and taking control, different levels and realities can be experienced in this simulation.

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Have you heard of an astrophysicist named Neil deGrasse Tyson? He is a researcher, writer and became famous for a television program in the United States that talks about science. But this scientist combines his knowledge of the stars with personal development. Today I want to talk a little about this secret technique of the famous physicist Neil deGrasse Tyson, to get exactly what you want from the universe.

Before I continue, I want to ask you something. Has it ever happened to you that you have wondered if we live in a simulation? You might think, 'Of course not!' But, on occasion, Tyson was asked this very question and his response was: 'I find it difficult to argue against this possibility. In fact, I'm waiting for someone to convince me that we're not living in a simulation.


Tyson dice que ves el poder de la programación de computadoras hoy y puedes decir: 'Tengo el poder de programar un mundo dentro de una computadora'. Ahora imagina en el futuro donde tiene aún más poder del que tiene actualmente y puede crear personajes que tienen libre albedrío y su propia percepción. Entonces, en este mundo, programas las leyes que gobiernan ese mundo, y ahora eres un personaje en ese mundo y crees que tienes libre albedrío. Y dices, 'Quiero inventar una computadora', y luego lo haces. 'Quiero crear un mundo dentro de mi computadora', y luego ese mundo crea otro mundo dentro de la computadora, y luego tener simulaciones en todo el universo.

Have you ever wondered about this? I did until relatively recently. I have been researching this topic. But better yet, how can you use all of this to get to where you want to be? To use this technique correctly, I invite you to imagine that the simulation is not just a computer. Perhaps we think of computers because our minds understand the possibility of what happens in the universe outside of a computer. But instead of them being different, there are infinite levels of parallel realities happening simultaneously for you right now, all in different frequency bandwidths, and you chose to jump into these three-dimensional worlds with a little more density to master your five senses. . through your consciousness.

It is certainly a suggestive idea that there may be parallel universes or that we live in a simulation with infinite possibilities. However, it is important to note that this is a subject of ongoing scientific and philosophical debate, and there is currently no concrete evidence to support the idea that we live in a simulated reality. That being said, it is certainly possible that one's personal experiences lead one to contemplate the possibility of such a reality. Ultimately, it is up to the individual to determine what they believe to be true based on the available evidence and their own experiences.


It's interesting to hear that approaching life as if it were a video game helped you make positive changes in your life. It sounds like you used visualization and positive thinking to manifest your goals and desires. This is a powerful technique that can be used to help people achieve their goals and overcome obstacles. It's great to hear that you were able to start a successful company and YouTube channel. It's a testament to the power of positive thinking and the ability to manifest one's desired reality.

This is how you, you will connect to a virtual reality that at the time was just a video game, it is your real life and the best of all is that you can travel to different levels of your own universal game and the results can be amazing.

The idea that we may be living in a simulated reality has been discussed by various scientists and philosophers for many years. Some argue that the advancements in technology and the ability to create complex simulations make it increasingly difficult to deny this possibility. Others argue that there is currently no concrete evidence to support this theory and that it remains a topic of ongoing debate and research.

Regardless of whether or not we are living in a simulation, the concept of approaching life as a game and using visualization and positive thinking can be a powerful tool for personal growth and achieving one's goals. By visualizing oneself in a different reality, one can begin to manifest the changes they desire in their life. The law of attraction and quantum physics can be used as a means of understanding how we can manifest our reality through our thoughts, beliefs and actions.

It's also important to note that, as individuals, we have the power to change our reality through our own actions. By becoming aware of our unconscious programming and limiting beliefs, we can take control of our lives and shape our own reality. This can include improving our financial situation, health, relationships, and overall well-being.

In conclusion, while the idea of living in a simulated reality is a topic of ongoing debate, the concept can be used as a tool for personal growth and manifestation. By understanding and becoming aware of our unconscious programming, we can take control of the simulation and access new possibilities in our lives. It's important.